This is Vanessa.
She is a WM140 with head #46.
Height: 4ft7 / 140cm
Weight: 51 lbs / 23,5kg
Bust: 29 in / 73cm
Waist: 19 in / 50cm
Hips: 29 in / 74cm
Breast size: D-cups
About her: Vanessa is 22 years old. She is a bit cranky at times, but she is pretty smart and she takes care of her sisters. She enjoys computer games and other nerdy stuff and likes to dress up in sexy outfits.
Facts: The WM140 is a very popular model. Many people buy this as their first sex doll, as did I. She can also be purchased with A-cup breast size. Most models have only one cup size option.
Other info: Since this was my first doll purchased, I did not realize how important it was to have standing foot option. I regret not getting that, since I can not have Vanessa standing up in any of my videos / photo stories. From then on, all my other dolls had to have standing foot option. Her body size is, in my opinion, perfect for spooning at night.

This is Alice.
She is a WM100 with head #101.
Height: 3ft3 / 100cm
Weight: 26,5 lbs / 12kg
Bust: 23 in / 60cm
Waist: 14 in / 37cm
Hips: 22 in / 58cm
Breasts size: D-cups
About her: Alice is 19 years old. She is not the smartest in the bunch, but she is full of ideas and mischief. She makes sure that things happen around her and she never shuts up. She is also a bit of a cookie monster.
Facts: The WM100 is a very popular model as well. Many people buy this as their first sex doll. She can also be purchased with B-cup breast size. The reason why they make this doll so small is not because they want her to look like a child, as many people would think. They actually make her small so that she will be easier to lift and carry around, since she weighs about half as much as the WM140 for example. If you have back problems, then this doll is recommended. She is also a lot cheaper than the full size dolls, since less material is needed for her small body. And if you think about it logically, children really don't have D-cup boobs. I hope that clears it up for you. But yes, she is really small. In fact, when I first laid eyes on her in real life, I was shocked over her size. Finding clothes for her is a bit of a challenge. Too small to cuddle with at night, in my opinion.

This is Booberella.
She is an YL150 with WM head #47.
Height: 4ft11 / 150cm
Weight: 78 lbs / 35,5kg
Bust: 45 in / 116cm
Waist: 21 in / 55cm
Hips: 35 in / 90cm
Breast size: O-cups
About her: Booberella is 25 years old. She is the quiet type and keeps mostly to herself. She enjoys watching her programs and tries to keep the peace in the household. Oh and she loves to show off her great big boobs in different outfits.
Facts: This is a different brand of dolls than the other two (YL), but her head is the same brand (WM). Her head still fits her body. She has the biggest boobs of any sex doll currently on the market. They weigh quite a bit and are fun to play with, even if they look quite exaggerated and out of proportion. Since the boobs are so heavy, the weight alone could cause damage around and in between her boobs over time, if not stored properly. My suggestion: Keep her lying on her back, with her arms slightly raised in front of her, to keep the boobs in place. She is the cuddliest doll to spoon with at night. Guess why.