I bought these cute, purple horns for only 2 dollars. You easily attach them directly to a wig and they will stay on. I like them, they will forever be attached to this wig. You can choose a different color, but personally I like purple the best. You can find them here. Note: You have to be logged in to view Wish.com. It is worth getting an account there to check out their merchandise. I buy most of my doll related items from them. Wigs, clothes, makeup and other accessories which I will be showing off on this blog.

They are made of plastic and seem to have pretty good quality for the very cheap price. At least they didn't fall apart in my hands. Once you have attached them to a wig, just let them stay on and you will never have to touch them again. I expect them to last for a long time. There's not much more to say about these horns. They probably look better when the horns have the same color as the wig, just my guess.
From now on, I will try to post something new every 2-3 days or so. Hopefully you will find something you'll enjoy.