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The downside of standing foot option

Standing foot option is a must have. I bought my first doll without it and I regret that. It gives you so much more freedom and possibilities if your doll can stand up. But the downside is, other than that it looks weird to have those metal bolts coming out of their feet, that whatever she is standing on, will be more or less crushed. Her entire body weight will rest upon a few metal bolts underneath her feet. I have had a pair of stockings ruined simply by having my doll stand up wearing them.

Here are the boots which I used in my video a few days ago. And again, the link to where you can buy them.

I knew I had to do something to protect the soles from her metal bolts. So I took a spunge and cut it up to create some support for the heels and stuffed them in there before putting the boots on my doll.

I can't say how much this actually helped, but I am sure it must have helped soften the impact of the bolts to some extent. I had Booberella standing up for about 15 minutes or so, as I was taking the pictures. Then I took them off and checked out the heels right away. This is what it looked like inside of both of them.

It's not looking good, but it could have been much worse. I imagine that it would have been deeper dents or even holes if I hadn't put in those sponges. The dents have not gone away, they are permanent. After some time, these boots will most likely be destroyed if I keep having my doll standing up while she's wearing them. So if you are going to buy boots like these, or any other shoes for that matter, you probably need to do some adjustments before you have your dolls standing up while wearing them.

Other than that, the boots are very cool looking. And as I said, I do recommend that you get standing foot option for your dolls. But always think about the surface on which you place your doll standing up. You need to soften the impact. I have had my dolls standing directly on the floor a couple of times, wearing only socks, that left dents in the carpet. The dents go away after a while, but that probably depends on what kind of floor you have. This is also the reason why you should never place your doll standing up in your bathtub, without anything soft in between the bathtub and her feet. The metal bolts will scratch the paint right off the bathtub floor. Here's some pictures of the stockings which were ruined by the bolts, so that you can see what I mean.

Sorry about the poor quality, the pictures were taken with my old cellphone. But as you can see, the bolts poked right through the stockings. These were my favourite stockings too. I have screwed in the bolts as much as I can, so they won't stand out as much. But they will still stand out. Imagine if you lifted your doll and then accidentally put her down on your feet with those bolts, you would be in a lot of pain - Trust me on this.

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