I love the sensation of silk material. These are not silk, the material is meryl. But it looks and feels very similar to silk. I can't tell the difference anyway. Maybe that's the same thing? Anyway, I bought a white one and a purple one. The purple one did stain one of my dolls a little bit, so I'm going to wash the bathrobe a couple of times more. But the white one is perfectly safe to use. White clothes have never stained either of my dolls. The first two pictures may be perceived as a bit creepy. They do have a bit of a "The Grudge" effect. But if you overlook that, then it's all cute and cuddly. I would definitely recommend this bathrobe, if you like the touch of silk material. I love sleeping next to one of my dolls when she's wearing this bathrobe. It is also affordable.

And Booberella

There is only one size and it even covers most of Booberella's boobs, so they will fit most full size dolls at least. These are old pictures so some of you might have seen them before, but I'm sure they are new to some of you. Will be posting mainly new pictures in the future. Just had to recommend this bathrobe.