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Stay clear of "mesh" materials

One of the very first pieces of clothing I put on my first doll, was some black mesh lingerie. Even though I had washed it several times before putting it on her for about 30 minutes, it still stained her like crazy. I recently purchased a different piece if mesh lingerie in pink color. Usually, you'll want to stay clear of dark colors, but it seems to depend more on the type of material the clothes are made from. This pink lingerie I bought, was washed several times and was put to the TPE test piece test.

You know how this goes, right?

You put it on the test piece.

You apply pressure. The old videocasettes finally comes to use once again.

And 8 hours later, look at the results.

This is why you should avoid lingerie made from mesh material. It's very cheap, in fact this lingerie cost me like 2 dollars. It's pretty sexy, it's see-through material and all... but it will stain the crap out of TPE. You can but this is different colors, I can only imagine that the white one is rather safe. However I would test even that one with a test piece.

Look at the first picture and see how bright the test piece is, compared to the last picture. There's quite a difference. I'm pretty sure this will fade away in time, but after more than 2 weeks of lying around and several soap and water cleanings, the test piece still has just as strong stains on it, as it did in that picture.

Since I can't use this lingerie anyway, I might try boiling it to see what happens. I'm hoping most of the color will be drawn out and wash away in the water. Maybe then it will keep from staining? Or it will just shrink... who knows. That's an experiment for another day. As for now, don't buy mesh materials for your TPE dolls, unless maybe if it's white.

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