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Caught Alice coming out of the shower

She was surprised and a bit annoyed.

Then she ran out of the room.

One of the most difficult things about sex dolls, is to get them to look like they are running. Placing one foot in front of the other, makes it very hard to hold balance. Even if you have one of their hands leaning towards a wall to make it more stable, it is still very hard. After trying for about 10 minutes or so, I simply gave up. It's hard enough to make them stand up at all, without leaning them on something. This is even harder with a full size doll. A small doll like Alice (100cm, 12kg), you can put over your knee and rearrange her legs to adjust balance. You can not do this with a full size doll. They are way too heavy and difficult to maneuver.

When you try to get a full size doll such as Booberella (150cm, 35,5kg) to stand up, you arrange her legs while she's lying on your bed, then you lift her. When you put her down on the floor gently, you will see whether or not her legs are perfectly positioned. If they are not, then you pretty much have to lift her, carry her over to the bed and start all over again. Rearrange her legs and then try again. This is why I don't do this much with Booberella.

As you can probably tell, Alice has been neglecting her vacuuming chores for a while.

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