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20 days later

It's been 20 days since I discovered those nasty stains on Booberella. After giving her a shower and oiling her up with baby oil, she has been recuperating. This is what the stains look like now:

The stains are far from gone, but they are looking a lot better than they did 20 days ago. This is what they looked like then:

The difference is huge. One month from now, these stains will probably be all gone. This is one of the many good things about TPE material. The stains go away by themselves. As a newbie, you will probably freak out and hate yourself when you stain your doll for the first time, I know I did. But there is no reason to panic, unless you stain your doll with black leather... then you will have a long, long time to wait until it disappears. Remember when I tried out a black leather collar on my TPE test piece? I can still see traces of that stain, even though it has been 4-5 months or something. It has been so long that I have forgotten when I did it. That stain is not that thick anymore, it will go away completely within a few more months, I'm sure.

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