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Unboxing the blu-ray player (with sex dolls)

So here's another photo story. I haven't used many text screens in my photo stories before. I just couldn't figure out how to end this story, so I tried something new here. I added a couple of photos in the photos section as well, photos that were taken while making this story.

Some of the clothes used in this video.

Alice is wearing:

Slippers: I bought these because they look funny. I also wanted something to put on her tiny feet, for when she's standing up on the floor. She has been using them a lot and the soles have not broken yet. Since the standing foot bolts are sticking out of her feet, you should really invest in a pair of slippers or shoes, just anything to put on her feet. Otherwise, you will end up with a damaged floor. And they also look cute.

Leggings: Two colored leggings, cheap and in the right size. I don't know about the quality, since this is the first time she's wearing them. But they don't stain at least, that's one of the most important things. They look OK to me. Maybe I should have picked another color. Oh well.

Vanessa is wearing:

Hoodie: I love this hoodie, it's very long, reaches all the way down to her knees. It's like a hoodie + dress in one. The color combination is brilliant. Purple + pink, perfect for a sex doll, if you ask me. And I also like purple very much (just look at Vanessa in the video...). I would definitely recommend this, if you have the same taste as I do. It is a bit tricky to put it on and off her, I probably should have chosen one size bigger. But it's fine. This is one of my favorite pieces of clothing for my dolls. I think it was size S I ordered, might have been M. I also recall ordering the grey color, since it was cheaper, but the one I received certainly looks purple. So either their grey color looks purple, or I got the wrong color. In either way, I am happy with it.

Knee socks: These are very beautiful. Purple + black stripes. Looks very good along with the hoodie, in my opinion. They are cheap, seem to have good enough quality and they are very long. They reach well above Vanessa's kneecaps. These could probably fit any full size doll, unless the doll has very fat legs. I would recommend them.

Booberella is wearing:

Leggings: Now these are pretty cool. They look exactly like jeans, but they are in fact leggings. I have never owned a pair of jeans in my entire life, since I don't like how they feel. I feel "trapped" in them. But jeans can look very good on dolls, so I wanted a pair. I thought that these were the cheapest jeans ever, so I ordered them. When I received them, I realized it was leggings that look like jeans. I was surprised, but it doesn't matter. They still look pretty good on Booberella. They reach pretty high up on her body though, above her navel. But you can fold them a bit.

I was gonna link to Booberella's shirt as well, but it seems like they don't sell it anymore. Might as well, because I had nothing good to say about it. The shirt looked very good on their website, but when I received it, I was very disappointed. There's a cat on the shirt, with purple eyes. The eyes are very detailed on the picture of the shirt, on their website ( However, in reality, the cat's eyes are just big dots, blurry and with no detail at all. It does not look good. Also, when I washed the shirt in 30°, the upper part of the shirt, which is somewhat transparent, got all messed up. Loose threads sticking out all over the place. I had to go nuts with the scissors to make it look OK again. Very poor quality - but you get what you pay for, when you order stuff from China for very little money. Some things I buy are bargains, but some are just junk. Hit and miss.

Hope you enjoyed this!

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