So this is how I shower my Vanessa. She does not have standing foot option, which means she can not stand up in the shower. She has to sit and lie down. There are many different ways to do this, but this is my method and it works for me. First off, I provide a soft surface for her to sit on, on the shower floor. A styrofoam piece, plus two folded blankets. This provides quite a soft surface. These will of course get wet.

The key here is that you plan your moves. First put down the styrofoam and blankets to sit on, get everything out of your way so that you can safely carry her from your bed (or wherever you keep her) into your bathroom. You do not want to have to stop to move things, while you are carrying her.
So first off, I sit her ass down on the blanket to shower her upper body. I use unscented soap and medium temperatured water. I do not use any spunge, I use only my hands to soap her up, since her skin is sensitive.

I am very careful not to get any water into her neck area, since that could seep into the skeleton and cause problems. After I have washed her upper body, I lie her down on her back, so that I can clean her legs and ass, as well as her vaginal and anal orifices.

In this position, you can easily clean her legs. You can also reach her vaginal and anal orifices. If you can't reach, then spread her legs some more. Soap up your hands and get some fingers inside of her orifices, make sure you reach all the way in. With your hand soaped up, it will slip in very easily. It's like lubricant really. Flush all of that soap out of there. Once you feel you are done and her orifices are clean enough, you place her on her ass again. At this point, you gently push on her stomache and her lower back, in order to push out most of the water that is still inside of her. See the picture below.

Then I carefully dry her off with a towel before I carry her off to my bed. I have put down a white sheet on my bed - again, plan your moves. Put the sheet down before you lift her and carry her back into the bedroom. The reason for this is to protect the bed sheets from water residues, oil, vaseline and especially the powder that comes next.

I make sure to dry off all the water residues all over her body. Then the most important part - drying out her vaginal and anal orifices. They can not be left with moisture inside of them, since that will lead to mold. I made a post before where I show how to clean out the orifices after sex, I use the same method here. I take kitchen paper towels, roll them up into sausages and stuff them inside of the orifices to soak up the moisture. I gently press down on her stomache and lower back in order to get the paper towels to soak up as much as possible.

I use approximately 3 sausages per orifice. By sticking your fingers inside of her, you will feel when she is dry.

Then it's time for the baby oil. I put it all over her body, every inch of her. Inside of her vaginal and anal orifices as well. Get it all the way in there. The oil will make it easy for your hand to slip inside of her as well as the soap did. In fact, I can easily get my entire hand insdie of both her orifices. So on a side note: if you are into fisting, then a doll could make you happy. Just be careful though.

I let the baby oil dry in for at least a couple of hours. While she is drying, I make sure to leave her in a natural position. Lying on her back, with her arms along her sides and her legs down. I do not leave her legs pointing upwards like in the picture.
Then it's time for the vaseline treatment. The vaseline is not supposed to be rubbed all over your doll. Only on the high stress areas. The high stress areas includes the insides of her vaginal and anal orifices. Also around her vagina and anus. Where her legs begin, you can see the creases after she has been sitting up for a while. That's one of the important areas where I make sure to rub in vaseline. The baby oil and vaseline will help keep your doll fresh and healthy much longer.

I also put vaseline around and in between her breasts. This is especially important on the dolls with large breasts, such as Booberella for example.

The armpits are also very important places to rub in oil and vaseline. When you dress your doll, you have to move her arms. Vanessa has had some tears in her armpits. I never put her arms straight up above her head, since that will most likely lead to a tearing in her armpit over time. But even if you are careful and not bend her arms up too much, it will still cause a stress to the skin under her arms. So make sure you rub in the oil and vaseline there - one thing at a time, of course.
I always let her lie like that over night, so that the vaseline has had more than enough time to dry in, before I go to the last step, which is powdering with baby powder. You can use cornstarch instead if you want. I use baby powder. You powder her all over her body, this is to make her skin more smooth and nice to touch. Without powdering, the TPE skin feels a bit sticky and all the lint, fallen off wig hair and everything else will stick to her body. So basically, this is the end result.

She is now clean and powdered. I leave her in bed for another day or so, before I put clothes on her. The powdering is visible right now and some of it will get stuck on the clothes I put on her. But after a day or two, the powdering will not be all that visible anymore.
If you do not use baby oil and vaseline on your TPE dolls, their skin will dry out faster and cause tears and cracks more easily. For the first couple of months I had Vanessa, I did not use either of these things on her skin. You can see from this picture that the skin around her anus has dried a bit, since I used to constantly flush out her anal cavity with water after sex. The tearing of the anus is unfortunately a very common thing on TPE sex dolls. The skin is very thin there. The vagina does not tear as easily, since it has thicker walls.

I will soon make a similar step by step post on showering Booberella, since that is quite different. She has standing foot option and can therefore stand up in the shower. I hope this gave you some tips and an idea on how to do this. As I stated earlier, there are many ways to shower your dolls, this is one of them.