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Showering Booberella - Step by step

If you read my step by step guide on how I shower Vanessa, you may remember that I said that there's a difference between them when it comes to showering. The big difference is standing foot option. Vanessa does not have those, so she had to sit down and lie down in the shower. Booberella has standing feet - and she's not afraid to use them. So here it goes.

First of all, I prepare the shower with that piece of styrofoam which I also used for Vanessa. This is so that Booberella can stand on it with all of her weight pushing down on it. All of her body weight is focused on those metal bolts. They can and will leave marks in your floor carpet. If you were to stand her directly in a bathtub, you can be sure it will be scratched by the bolts.

Other than that, I put a folded blanket on the wall behind her to provide a soft surface, so that she can lean on it. You will not be able to use this method unless you are leaning your doll against the wall. Dolls are not too steady while standing up - and since you're going to rub your hands all over her, she will fall, unless you constantly hold her with one hand and rub the soap in with the other. That would not be practical.

Notice how I use the window to hold the blanket up. You may not have the same layout in your shower, so you either don't use a blanket or come up with some other solution that works for you.

I make sure she is standing steady and will not tip over as soon as I let her go. Notice how her legs are somewhat spread, I spread them like that before I picked her up and carried her into the shower. Because when she is standing there, it's very difficult, if not impossible, to safely spread them. She needs her legs spread like that, to make it easier to access her vaginal and anal cavities for washing.

Just like with Vanessa, I avoid getting water inside Booberella's neck area, since it can end up inside of her skeleton and cause rust on the metal skeleton. I wash her from the neck and down to her feet, starting up top. Usually I flush out her vaginal and anal cavities last. To soap up her bottom, which is currently leaning against the blanket behind her - I stand directly in front of her and carefully lean her slightly forward, so that she is leaning against my chest. This way I can reach down and soap up and rinse her butt.

When I'm done, I carefully dry her off with a towel before I carry her back to bed. I put my sheet on top of the bed before I put her there.

Now I use the kitchen paper towels to dry out her vaginal and anal cavities, just like with Vanessa. I roll it up into sausages which I push inside her to soak up the water residues. The difference here is that Booberella has insert vagina, which means there is a lot more room in there. A rolled up sausage is not the best shape of paper to stick in there, so instead I just rip off some paper and stuff it in, while getting most of my hand inside as well. Her anal cavity needs a sausage shaped piece of paper though.

Now it's time for the the baby oil. This is by far the best part about showering dolls. Basically, you rub in the oil all over her body, making it slippery and very nice to touch. Her vaginal and anal cavities also needs oil.

To be able to reach her back and ass, you simply sit her up.

When every inch of her is oiled up, I let her lie on her back for several hours, until she is dry.

Then it's time for vaseline treatment. Vaseline is not supposed to be rubbed all over her body, only on the high stress areas. Inside the vaginal and anal cavities as well as around them on the outside. Make sure you rub it in, in the creases where her torso ends and her legs begin. Also on the backside of her, where her ass ends and her thighs begin, there should be a similar crease there.

Also rub in vaseline in between her boobs and around them - not all over them. Don't forget her armpits as well.

After rubbing in the vaseline, I always leave her lying down like that over night. The next day, I use baby powder on her entire body, except for inside the vaginal and anal cavities. I also avoid putting powder on top of her head, since that only makes her head slippery so that the wig falls off more easily. Cornstarch can also be used instead of baby powder. This is the end result.

I shower her once per month. Showering your TPE doll 1-2 per month is recommended. The oil and vaseline should only be applied once per month though. You can powder your doll as often as you like, you can't overdo it. The powder makes her skin more smooth, instead of somewhat sticky.

Showering Alice is basically the same thing as showering Booberella, only she is much smaller and easier to handle. So making a step by step guide on showering Alice, would be pointless. I hope you appreciated this picture guide. Thank you for reading!

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