When you are buying a sex doll, there are certain things that your vendor may not tell you. These are things that you will have to ask for or request yourself - which can be a pretty difficult thing to do, when you don't know anything about it and just recently stumbled upon sex dolls. You can customize your doll in various ways - you don't have to buy the doll exactly like she looks like in the pictures. I would advice anyone who's about to buy a sex doll to contact the vendor through email before purchase, to give them all your preferences, instead of just using the website to buy the doll. Because you may not find out about all the available options otherwise.
Doll heads.
When you go into a vendor website and find a doll that you like, click on it and scroll down to see your available options. Not all websites show you the amount of different heads which you can choose for your doll. Some vendors will not show you any head options at all. When I bought my first doll, I bought her because I liked her smoking hot body. Her face looked fine and all, but I liked another doll's face/head a lot better. After I had purchased my doll, I found out that I could have chosen a different head. So later on I bought that other head which I liked better - costing me more money. The vendors may not tell you about this - unless you ask. How can you ask about this, when you don't even know that the heads can be detached from the body in the first place? I didn't know this when I bought my first doll. I thought the head and the body was one and the same.
So to be clear. If you find a doll whose face you really love, but with a body you don't really care for - you can choose the head only, then find a body that you prefer. There are of course exceptions to this rule: The size of the dolls must be somewhat similar. You can not choose the head from a WM100cm and put it on a WM170cm, since the head sizes will differ between them. If you are not certain about which head goes on which body - ask your vendor.
One tip, while we are on the subject of heads: You can buy a doll with two heads right from the start, then use one head for oral sex and then use the other head for kissing or whatever you want to do with it. Some people never want to kiss their dolls after having oral sex with her, for hygienic reasons, even though you can wash her mouth with soap and water.
Vagina and nipple coloring.
When you purchase a doll, you will get a doll without any colors on her body. Her nipples and her vagina will be the same color as the rest of her body. If you want a different color on her nipples and vagina - just like a real woman would have - then you will have to request this when you place your order. This is another thing I did not know for my first doll, in fact I didn't even know this for my second doll which I purchased shortly after. On my third doll purchase however, I requested a paint job for my doll. They had to redo the coloring several times at the factory before I was satisfied. This should not cost extra. The coloring will add a lot to the realism of your sex doll, so this is quite an important option for you as a customer. You can also ask for some coloring around her anus.
Factory picture of Booberella's painted nipples.

Factory picture of Booberella's painted vagina and anus.

I should also tell you that these colors are not permanent. The factories improve their dolls all the time, so this might have been fixed today. However, when I purchased this doll nearly a year and a half ago, this coloring was only temporary. In fact, after I had given her a shower and oiled her up the first time, most of the color was gone. After a few months, all the color was gone. There are some magic markers you can use to add new color to your doll's nipples and private areas, just make sure it's not something toxic that could end up harming your doll. You can check out this earlier post of mine about nipple painting.
The professional doll photos you find on any vendor's website, will have dolls looking amazing with the makeup, the clothes and everything else. When you buy your doll, you will receive a doll head that has only a standard makeup job. If you want your doll to have a certain look, you can contact your vendor and include a picture of a woman you find really beautiful and tell them you want your doll to have a similar makeup. You can choose the color of her lipstick, choose how thick her eyeliner should be and so on. This is done at the factory. This is also something that should not cost extra, unless your vendor does this makeup job themselves for any reason.
Pubic hair.
You may be wondering why this will cost you extra. Dolls are manufactured using a mold. When the doll comes out of the mold, they do not have pubic hair. So a naked pubic area is standard for any sex doll. If you wan't pubic hair, they will have to do extra work on your doll - that's why it will cost extra to get the pubic hair option. I would personally not recommend this option, since I have read that many customers have been disappointed with it, since it can fall off easily. This is just what I have read. I do not have personal experience with it, since all my dolls are without this option.
Hollow or filled breasts.
When you buy a doll, you will get hollow boobs as standard. This means that the boobs are filled with air. You can also choose to have them filled with TPE, which makes them firmer and of course heavier. I have never seen this option presented by any vendor - but I know that you can request it. I don't know whether or not this will cost extra and I don't know which feels better to touch, since all my dolls have standard/hollow breasts.
Why they don't tell you this?
The reason why your vendor will not tell you about all these details, is not to try to deceive you. It is simply a matter of having to repeat the same information over and over again to all the customers.
I myself get a lot of questions from people every single day, people that are interested in sex dolls and possibly want to buy one. I do not work for any vendor, but I do share my doll videos on several video sites around the internet. People contact me with questions. I have to write the same things over and over again, because the questions are quite similar. This takes a lot of time, which is why I made this blog in the first place - so that I could collect all the information in one place and just link to it whenever a question was asked.
The vendors will be contacted by many more people every day. They may not have time to go through everything with you. So it's more or less up to you to gather this information for yourself, before your purchase. If you don't do any research about this subject to find out what all of your options are, then you may miss out on things like different head choices and nipple coloring.
All these things are of course very important, since you will be looking at your doll every day for years to come.
Sex doll variety.
If you want to buy a specific doll - but with a bigger ass, then your best option is not to pay for the creation of a new mold. Instead, look around for other dolls. There are so incredibly many different dolls being made now, that they will please virtually every single person's individual taste. You can even buy pregnant sex dolls, if that is what you are into. If you like a doll's body, but want a bigger ass - there might just be a doll out there exactly like that, which you haven't found yet. Most vendors will try to keep their website updated with the latest doll releases, however some may not be able to keep up - since new dolls are being released all the time. This means that your vendor may not have all available dolls on their website just yet. If you don't find the doll of your dreams, you can ask them directly if they have more models. They could either send you photos or redirect you to the manufacturer's website.
Customizations which are frequently asked about.
One of the things people ask me a lot, is if they can buy a certain doll - but with smaller/bigger boobs. Like I said earlier, the dolls come out of a mold. In order to make a certain doll's boobs bigger or smaller, you would therefore have to create an entire new mold from scratch. It is possible, but then you would have to pay for this new mold yourself, since this is your special request. That will make your doll a lot more expensive.
There are some dolls that are very popular, for example the WM140 and the WM100 that I have. They made a second mold for these body types, with smaller breast sizes.
The WM140 that I have (Vanessa) has D-cups. It is also sold with A-cups.
The WM100 that I have (Alice) has D-cups. It is also sold with B-cups.
People also ask about buying a sex doll with a face that looks like a celebrity or other person - the same answer applies here. New mold - higher price for you.
Disclaimer: This article is not meant to target any specific vendor or manufacturer of sex dolls. This is purely for informational purposes, directed to those that are thinking about buying their first (or second) sex doll, but may not know about these options.