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Common mistakes when buying a doll - Part 2

Getting scammed

A lot of people get scammed within the sex doll industry. Why? Because people think with their penis. There’s a saying that goes “don’t shop when you’re hungry”. That goes for buying sex dolls as well, don’t do that when you’re horny. Many people have fallen for scams because they didn’t research the subject. They just stumbled upon a site and pulled the trigger right away, ignoring all the warning signs because the dolls used in the photos were just so hot.

When you see a sex doll you like, on a website where she costs 1800 USD, you will think to yourself that it’s quite expensive. So you then look around and find the exact same doll on Aliexpress or similar websites, where the doll is listed as “silicone TPE blow up doll” and it costs only 300 USD. When you see this, and you will – do not fall for it. There are plenty of people preying on first time buyers, those that know nothing about sex dolls at all. They will use the same photos as legitimate vendors do, to pull you in. The dolls in the photos look very good, right? But the doll in the photo, is not the doll you will actually receive – if you receive anything at all. You will either get a very poorly constructed knock-off that will fall apart in front of your eyes, get a blow up doll that looks nothing like the doll you ordered, or you will simply not get anything at all.

When you discover a website like this, you can see some warning signs. Any experienced sex doll owner can tell the difference between a fake and a legit website, unless the scammers are very believable – which they almost never are. Here are some pointers:

  • Listing a doll as TPE, silicone and blow-up doll at the same time. A doll can never be all these things at once, it’s just not gonna happen. TPE and silicone material does not go well together, as there can be a chemical reaction when the two materials meet. There are some blow-up dolls with silicone heads, but if that is what they are actually selling – then you can be sure that you will be able to see that in the pictures, they will not look nearly as realistic as TPE or silicone dolls do.

  • Selling a 1800 USD doll for only 300 USD. There is no “Black Friday sale” in the world that will lower the prices that much. A full size doll, 150cm or so, that weighs 35 KG, will cost more than that to produce. The shipping cost alone, will cost about 300 USD. So they will not sell the legit doll to you for that price, there is just no way.

  • They have no phone number, no address, no way of proving that they are in fact in direct contact with a legitimate manufacturer. They can of course easily fake a document online and pass it off as legit. What you can do then, is to contact the manufacturer directly and ask them if they are working with whatever the company is called.

I can understand that people want to save money, but in my opinion it’s not worth it. Let’s say that you get a knock-off doll. The legit 1800 USD doll may cost 6 times more than the 300 USD knock-off doll, but it will surely last more than 6 times longer as well, as long as you keep up with maintenance and don’t rip into her like a rabid animal every time you have sex with her. It doesn’t matter what you buy, it’s always the same principle. You don’t spend the lowest possible amount on something that looks like it would fall apart if you poked it with a stick - you spend more money and get something that actually works instead.

I can also understand that it’s natural to be cheap, if you don’t have a lot of money. I am not rich myself, so I can certainly relate. However, when it comes to something you are going to look at every day for many years to come, you really shouldn't cheap out. If you have found the doll of your dreams, the one that you want more than anything, but you can’t afford it right now – then save up money. Don’t settle for the doll which is not as attractive, just because it costs a few hundred dollars less. You will most likely regret it. And what is money for anyway, if not for spending on the things that make us happy?

I talked to a guy online, not too long ago, he told me that he had just bought the same doll that I have. That would be Booberella, the YL150cm O-cups. This doll will cost more than 1700 USD no matter where you buy it, at least in this very moment while I’m typing this. So I asked the guy how much he paid for her and where he bought her from. It turns out that he had seen an add on a porn site, where they ran a sale. He bought the doll for 69 USD, plus shipping 50 USD and “handling costs” 50 USD. He paid a total of about 170 dollars. So I told him to contact PayPal and cancel the purchase and get his money back – it turns out he used a Wallmart coupon to pay for his doll. I have never heard of a legitimate vendor that accepts payment like this.

He also told me that the delivery time would be 40 weeks. That is about 10 times longer wait time than most TPE dolls. There are so many obvious red flags here, that I had to ask him how he could possibly believe that he had bought a legitimate sex doll for that price, paid for in that way, with such long waiting time – his only response was that he was “thinking with his penis”. I can’t argue with that. This might sound insane to you, but there will always be people that fall for scams, no matter how many red flags there are. As long as they do, scammers will continue to conduct their business. I for one, want to put an end to this, by spreading information.

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