When I bought my dolls, one of the things I wasn't counting on, was the insane amount of accessories I would end up buying for them. It's been roughly 4,5 years since my first doll arrived and I quickly bought some lingerie, a hair brush and some other things. I realized how much I liked having a doll, it became a hobby. Then more dolls came into my life and I kept buying clothes, wigs and other accessories for them. I don't know how much money I have spent on my doll accessories in total, but I have bought mostly cheap things, so it's not a fortune at least. Anyway, here is my entire collection.


I don't have enough space on top of my bookshelves, so I had to improvise here.

Then there's the bedtime wigs.

Other accessories, such as shoes, slippers, perfume, lipstick, hair brush, necklaces, rings, doll eyes, makeup supplies, sun glasses, hair clips, elf ears and so on...

I have bought 30 wig stands in total.

Extra doll heads and a few wigs I didn't like.

And of course, the dolls, currently waiting to get dressed.

All those accessories, for the 3 of them. Is that a hobby or an addiction? You be the judge.